Sticky Notes

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My writing process. 

A reader asked me to write this. So, I did. Writing about writing about writing. I'd prefer you not follow me around. But, if you were to disobey this preference, I'm afraid you wouldn't
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How to get lucky, over and over again.

A short exploration into the magic of luck and how we can intentionally cultivate it in our lives and work. How I've gotten lucky in my life and work, over and over again. Anyone who doesn't
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Blink and you'll miss it.

If you're looking for a reason to cry, it'll cost just $10. My poetry's bad and I blame the news. The TL;DR... For the next 24-hours, you can get your hands on these beauties (^^^) for $10
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Watch your mouth.

You're not going to be everyone's cup of tea but that's why there's coffee. Confessions of a potty mouth. I got banned from Linkedin a couple of weeks back for "sharing
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I'm sorry.

But, this simply can't wait until after dinner because you'll no longer be hungry. It can't wait until after supper. I flew into New York this past Monday on a big jet plane that housed
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I can't believe I'm saying this.

But, your boy has officially sold his soul and he is now on TikTok. "No. Not really. Just writing." I woke up early this morning next to my girl. She coaxed me into staying in bed with her a
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This is my last newsletter for a little while.

Here's to best friends, revelations and the one and only, Joan Didion. Maybe next year. I have a utility closet in my writing room that sits in front of my writing desk behind a pair of opaque
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Be kind to yourself and others.

The butterfly effect is more than a blockbuster. The Butterfly Effect. Most of my life in advertising consists of me using my creativity and writing to make both myself and other people money. It's
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The party is over.

An intimate reflection on the role talent plays in success. How to kick-ass and take names. Before we begin... Yesterday, I announced that I was running a 24-hour deal on Chasing Hemingway, where, with
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Get Chasing Hemingway for just $3/ month.

Merry F*cking Christmas, reader. THIS NEWSLETTER LOOKS DIFFERENT BECAUSE IT IS. The TL;DR... Chasing Hemingway is a paid newsletter that I run. It's about writing and life and how the two exist so
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The time Don Draper bummed a cigarette off of my buddy.

And, how to keep a 60lbs pit bull wildly entertained. You're gonna want to read this top to bottom... The TL;DR... I just launched How to become the Don Draper of cold email over on Product Hunt.
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My writing process.

A reader asked me to write this. So, I did. Writing about writing about writing. I'd prefer you not follow me around. But, if you were to disobey this preference, I'm afraid you wouldn't
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Keep it simple, stupid.

You're not stupid, you're just doing stupid things. Before you begin, I must warn you that I don't know where this is going... I'm nearing the end of the year and with it, I'm
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You should be happy.

Why aren't you happy? It's Cyber Fucking Monday. A lot of folks talk about how PT Barnum was the best goddamn thing since sliced bread. But, having done quite a bit of reading on the bastard, I
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Why are Out of Office auto-responders always boring AF? I suppose this is my way of saying it's going to be alright. I'm closing up shop for the rest of the week, as I'm sure you're
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She's built like a Brick Shithouse.

Marilyn Monroe, law suits, defunct car companies and stag parties... This is the most ridiculous piece I've ever written. I can't remember where I first heard the phrase, "She's built
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Drop your cocks and grab your socks.

This email will either make me rich or get me cancelled. "Drop your cocks and grab your socks." The TL;DR... I'm not going to shove a sales spiel down your throat but please know How to
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You're fake AF.

Before you unsubscribe, let me explain myself. You're fake AF. The TL;DR... In my latest and greatest guide to date, How to become the Don Draper of cold email, I share how the above subject line
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How to become the Don Draper of cold email.

(And, without ever slipping out of those hot-sauce stained sweatpants...) How to become the Don Draper of cold email. The TL;DR... How to become the Don Draper of cold email is an afternoon-sized
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I ran into Malcolm Gladwell, again.

So, uhm, I'm not easily starstruck... Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. I'm not easily starstruck. And, I know what you'